Activate the Proxel Lens Corrector Photoshop Plugin
We have decided to make the plugin freeware. The plugin still is protected by a CD Key. Something we may remove later. It is a matter of getting permisssion from ALPA of Switzerland that owns parts of the latest code.
Here is a CD key you can use
You can download a demo version of the Lens Corrector toolkit, containing the Lens Analyzer and the Lens Corrector Photoshop plugin. The demo version adds a watermark to the corrected pictures.
Download version 1.2.0 for
Download version
1.2.2 for Mac OS X (Panther/10.3 + Tiger/10.4).
Download version 1.2.2
for Mac OS X (Leopard/10.5).
To fully appreciate the demo there are some things you should consider:
- The Lens Corrector plugin is found in the File→Automate menu!
- The toolkit consists of two separate tools. The analyzer tool is a stand-alone program used to analyze your camera/lenses. The corrector tool is a Photoshop plugin that uses the files generated by the analyzer tool to correct your images.
- For Mac: To run the analyzer you need to install X11!
- To get a good analysis of the camera/lenses it is essential that you have long straight relatively easy to find edges in the calibration pictures.
- Check the FAQ.
- You can also download one example picture with associated profile.
We have made all tests on Windows XP service pack 1 and service pack 2. The GTK-based Lens Analyzer is tested on GTK+ 2.6.9 and GTK+ 2.8.18. The Lens Corrector Photoshop plugin is tested on Photoshop 6, 7, 8 (CS), 9 (CS2) and 10 (CS3) and Photoshop Elements 4. It is reported to work on Vista - but we have not tested it.
Mac OS X 
We have made all tests on Mac OS X 10.5.2 (Leopard) Mac OS X 10.4.8 (Tiger) and Mac OS X 10.3.9. The Lens Corrector Photoshop plugin is tested on Photoshop 7, 8 (CS), 9 (CS2) and 10 (CS3).
To our knowledge, the software runs flawlessly in the above configurations.[*] It is possible (in many cases likely) that the software will work in other configurations; but that is nothing we can guarantee.
[*] To get the analyzer to run on Mac OS X 10.3 you have to patch your X11 installation. More about this in the FAQ.